Tuesday, August 2, 2011

sikap bos buat staff cair

ok Big boss kami ni india..yang purely came from INDIA..yaa..mat saleh sorang pun bos bawah dia skit ajer..soo di bulan yang ramadhan ni mcm biasa laa ternanti2 akan email depa ni time waktu kerja..soo korang nak tau email yg dia bagi


We are fast approaching the fasting month preceding Hari Raya.

And once again, in order to ensure, a culture of respect and diversity, we are announcing the following:

è All Muslim staff will be allowed to leave office by 4.30pm in the month of Ramadhan

è We will be providing dates or “kurma” for all Muslims who happen to be in the office or those who could be stuck on the way home at the time of “breaking of fast”.  The dates will be available in the refrigerator in the main pantry. 

I believe we will all respect our Muslim colleagues by not having any meetings which extend through the evening. However, if there is an exception and there is need for such a meeting, meeting organizers are expected to arrange for food at the relevant time.

Take care and let each of us respect the blessed month.

amacam terharu tak..waktu office hour tak berubah time masuk cuma berubah time balik..engok ajer laa dari kul 6petang kami bole balik kul 4.30petang perghhh tak pernah babe aku kerja selama ni dapat balik awal 1jam setengah awal dari waktu normal..

soo kalau korang mcm mana..rasa terharu tak?

dalam office aku ni air minuman takde masalah semua ada..capuccino, mocha, espresso..air kotak ice lemon tea, ribena, soya bean, blackcurrent with alo vera..air tin coke and diet coke..susu for cereal..whipped potato..game xbox..eemm apa lagi semua ada..

dan jgn tak sangka peti ais aku kat rumah pun mula dibanjiri dengan air ice lemon tea and soya bean..mana taknye setiap kali nak balik aku mesti tapau..standby nak minum kat dalam keta kalau jam...hehehhe

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